Upcoming Events
01.01.2021 - Visionary Art Seminar
More details coming soon. Please send us an email to get the latest updates.
Part 1
Exploring and practicing the Ideogram Visionary Art method as a visionary meditation to obtain the painting object. During the educational process the students will be able to get a practical knowledge of how to obtain an authentic visionary information in a form of metaphorical images, as well as information on how to use the resulting material for a creating a creative composition.
Part 2
A complete course of a classic sequence: Creation of the composition alongside with the learning of the Venetian Method of oil painting, study from nature using Alla Prima technique.
Ultimately students receive knowledge and skill of:
Venetian Method of Oil Painting using the Alla Prima Method of Oil Painting (working directly in nature), An Ideogram Visionary Art Method of receiving authentic metaphorical images. A complete course of vision, creating, classic painting, composition, creation of the volume, color mixing for instance: flesh tone etc...
For more information contact us at: info@owlis.org